G7 should invest $10 trillion to stoke climate-friendly recovery, PM Johnson told


LONDON — G7 countries should invest $10 trillion to stoke an investment-driven recovery that puts COVID-19 vaccines in arms and triggers a sweeping energy transformation to slow climate change, according to a report requested by Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

U.S. President Joe Biden is expected to join other Group of Seven leaders at a G7 summit chaired by Britain’s Johnson in Cornwall, southern England, on June 11-13.

Founded in 1975 as a forum for the West’s richest nations to discuss crises such as the OPEC oil embargo, the G7 will discuss what it perceives as the biggest threats: China, Russia, climate change, and the coronavirus pandemic.

Nicholas Stern, professor of …

Keep on reading: G7 should invest $10 trillion to stoke climate-friendly recovery, PM Johnson told