Meralco energizes new Metpark Gas-Insulated Switchgear (GIS) Substation


Seen in the above photos is the recently commissioned METPARK 115 kiloVolt (kV) – 34.5 kV GIS substation located at Metropolitan Park in Roxas Boulevard corner EDSA Extension, Pasay City. The new substation will provide the additional capacity needed to serve the growing demand in the commercial business district of Pasay City and provide operational switching flexibility during contingencies with adjacent CBP1-A and PAGCOR GIS substations. This project is also expected to reduce system losses, and improve system reliability and voltage regulation to the predominantly large commercial customers in the area. Despite the heightened community quarantine measures imposed within the NCR+ bubble due to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases, Meralco personnel and its subsidiaries are continuously working round the clock to execute vital capital projects to provide safe, adequate, and reliable energy service for all its customers.