Behind an inconspicuous black door on a stairwell in New York’s 28th Street subway station, the person in the know will find cocktail lounge La Noxe.
The roughly 500-square-foot (46-square-meter) dimly lit bar is an oasis from the street noise and the screeching of the trains as they grind to a halt.
“I think it’s almost a bit like Alice in Wonderland-esque,” said La Noxe founder, Jey Perie.
“The energy that you have in the subway, there’s like a very tough energy, like people going from A to B, and then the rush and you’re underground. And then you enter here and it’s more like velvet and warm colors and flowers and carpets,” he said.
“I like the dichotomy of it, that co…
Keep on reading: The ‘Alice in Wonderland-esque’ bar hidden in a New York subway station