Filipino Fund, Inc. sets stockholders’ meeting via remote communication



Please take notice that the 2021 Annual Stockholders’ Meeting (“ASM”) of Filipino Fund, Inc. (the “Company”), will be held on May 11, 2021 (Tuesday) at 9:00 in the morning via remote communication under the platform of Zoom Video Communications.  The virtual ASM is necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic situation where physical gatherings are highly discouraged.

The Agenda for the ASM shall be as follows:

  1. Calling of meeting to order
  2. Certification of notice
  3. Determination and declaration of quorum
  4. Approval of the minutes of the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting held on September 30, 2020
  5. Presentation and approval of the Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2020
  6. Approval and  confirmation  of all  acts, proceedings and resolutions of the Board of Directors, Officers, Committees, and the Fund Manager during the past year
  7. Appointment of External Auditor for calendar year 2021
  8. Election of the Board of Directors
  9. Other Business
  10. Adjournment

The Minutes of the 2020 ASM is available for examination at the website of the Company at

The record date shall be on April 8, 2021 for the purpose of determining the list of stockholders of the Company who are entitled to vote at the 2021 ASM.

The Company will allow attendance only by remote communication and voting in absentia, subject to validation procedures.

Stockholders who will participate in the ASM by remote communication should pre-register at on or before May 6, 2021.  Successful registrants will receive an email invitation with a complete guide on how to join the ASM and how to cast votes in absentia.  For any registration concerns, please contact [email protected]. Please refer to the Definitive Information Statement on the guidelines on attendance by remote communication and voting in absentia which is posted on the website of the Company at Only stockholders who have successfully registered within the prescribed period, together with the stockholders who voted in absentia and by proxy, will be included in the determination of quorum.

Proxies, in the form provided by the Company, must be scanned and emailed to the Company’s Corporate Secretary at [email protected] not later than April 30, 2021. The proxies shall be validated on May 6, 2021. The Corporate Secretary’s decision shall be final and binding on the shareholders, and those not settled during the proxy validation shall be deemed waived and may no longer be raised. 

Stockholders may send their questions about the ASM and the Company to its Fund Manager at [email protected] and/or [email protected]. 

Pursuant to SEC Notice dated April 20, 2020, the Stockholders may examine the Definitive Information Statement, Management Report, and SEC Form 17A at the Company’s website and through the PSE Edge Portal.

There will be an audio and video recording of the ASM.  All votes cast shall be validated by the Stock and Transfer Agent, Stock Transfer Service, Inc.

Mandaue City, Philippines, March 26, 2021.

For the Board of Directors,

Corporate Secretary