Boy, prisoner, 2 elderlies contract COVID-19 in San Pablo City


LUCENA CITY — A year-old boy, a jail inmate, and two elderlies were among the 12 new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) patients recorded in San Pablo City in Laguna province on Wednesday, local authorities said.

The San Pablo City Anti-COVID-19 Task Force, in a report posted on Facebook on March 10, said the new validated virus carriers included the young boy, a 31-year-old prisoner at the local police jail, a 66-year-old male, and a 65-year-old female.

The boy from Barangay Santa Maria Magdalena, who had exposure to a confirmed virus carrier, was placed on home isolation.

The two elderlies were confined in an isolation facility while the inmate was separated from his fellow pris…

Keep on reading: Boy, prisoner, 2 elderlies contract COVID-19 in San Pablo City