Moms and Dads! Make Todo Protection fun for you and your 3+ toddler


Face it: You won’t always be there to protect your child. Much as you would like to avoid their first scrape on the knee, or wish that you were the one with the sniffles, the best thing you can do for your child is to send them out into the world todo-protected.

Short of putting them inside a bubble, the best you can do is to build up their immunity and keep them healthy. This is the best gift you can give to your child, and one that will keep on giving even after they’re all grown up.

Do what you can during the most important years of their lives: the 3+ toddlerhood years. But make it fun for you and your precious one by creating todo-bonding moments together! Here are some tips:

Keep on reading: Moms and Dads! Make Todo Protection fun for you and your 3+ toddler