Year of the Metal Ox is excellent year to improve your health


Where did January go? We were all quite hopeful at the start of the year, thanks to the new vaccine and diminishing cases, but within these four weeks a new variant of the virus now lurks among us. Thus, we begin 2021 with more mixed signals, uncertainty and desperation, going back into our homes and figuring out how to really stay safe and COVID-free.

Last Friday, I made sure to moon bathe at 3 a.m. to ask for clarity, courage, right action, a good path and loads of support and love. According to my good friend and urban healer Rosan Cruz, the first full moon of 2021 activates a deep emotional truth within you. It is a chance to take stock of an area of your life and come to term…

Keep on reading: Year of the Metal Ox is excellent year to improve your health