Zimbabweans relish bug food


MHONDORO, ZIMBABWE — Earnmore Chikavaza takes a mouthful of fried beetles and munches happily, downing the crunchy snack with a mouthful of water.

He runs out of superlatives to sum up the benefits of a food that is healthy, tasty, organic, and—a special advantage in a poor country—absolutely free.

The delicacy is the chafer beetle, also called the Christmas beetle, a dark-red Zimbabwean bug that proliferates in the southern hemisphere country at this time of year.

“You don’t spend anything on the beetles. They are free relish,” the slender 28-year-old miner told Agence France-Presse (AFP).

“All you have to do is to go out in the bush and shake them off or pluck the…

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