Cop shoots dead a mother and her son in Tarlac


MANILA, Philippines — A police officer assigned at the Paraaque City shot dead his two neighbors, a mother and her son, in Paniqui, Tarlac.

The Tarlac police, in its report, identified the suspect as Cpl. Jonel Nuezca, 46 years old and assigned at the Paraaque City Crime Laboratory, and presently residing at Barangay Cabayaoasan in Paniqui.

Initial investigation showed that the suspect arrived in the house of victimsSonya Gregorio, 52, and Frank Anthony Gregorio, 25, and after a brief confrontation, shot them point-blank using a 9 mm firearm at around 5:10 p.m. Sunday.

Police said the suspect fled the crime scene after the incident. However,a CCTV video of the incident mad…

Keep on reading: Cop shoots dead a mother and her son in Tarlac