77-year-old teacher living in car receives $27,000 from former student


A 77-year-old teacher in California who has been living in his car received an unexpectedly generous birthday present from one of his former students.

Jose Villarruel, also known to his students as “Mr. V,” had his hours of teaching cut in half because schools had to remain closed. After schools shifted to distance learning, teaching became a struggle for him so he decided to resign, Villarruel stated in a March 11 report from Fox 11.

One of his former students, Steven Nava, recently chanced upon the old man and saw him struggle with life inside the car. Nava thought he needed to extend help.

“I just felt the need to do something about it,” Nava said. He initially gave V…

Keep on reading: 77-year-old teacher living in car receives $27,000 from former student