3 of 637 Ulysses evacuees in Quezon City test positive for COVID-19


MANILA, Philippines — Three out of 640 Quezon City residents who were evacuated during the onslaught of Typhoon Ulysses have tested positive for the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

The three individuals were brought to community-care facilities for immediate medical attention, the Quezon City government said in a statement Sunday.

The 637 evacuees whose COVID-19 test results turned negative will still be monitored by the city’s health workers, Quezon City’s Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance Unit head Dr. Rolando Cruz has assured.

“All results of those who manifested symptoms and swabbed were already released. But we’ll remain alert and ready in case anyone will show sympto…

Keep on reading: 3 of 637 Ulysses evacuees in Quezon City test positive for COVID-19