10 more COVID-19 ‘suspects’ die in Quezon province


LUCENA CITY —- Health authorities in Quezon province recorded 10 more deaths related to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on Wednesday.

In its 10 a.m. bulletin on Dec. 9, the Integrated Provincial Health Office (IPHO) disclosed that 10 people suspected of having COVID-19 had died.

Authorities gave no other details about the fatalities.

The total number of mortalities in the province among the “suspects” now reached 145.

The Department of Health (DOH) says a person is a suspected carrier if he or she shows symptoms like fever, cough, or sore throat two weeks after contact with an infected person or persons or had come from an infected place.

Elderlies, those with preexis…

Keep on reading: 10 more COVID-19 ‘suspects’ die in Quezon province