SM, partners give Bears of Joy to frontliners


ASIDE from gearing up our frontliners with personal protective equipment for the battle against Coivd-19, SM Foundation (SMFI) also reached out to our modern day heroes through the distribution of SM Bears of Joy.

In collaboration with SM Cares, SM Supermalls and Toy Kingdom, SMFI distributed SM Bears of Joy this holiday season to our brave frontliners — medical workers and uniformed personnel — as a way of paying tribute to their courage and selflessness in battling this Covid-19 pandemic.

The SM Bears of Joy is an annual project of SM Cares, SM Supermalls and Toy Kingdom to encourage shoppers to share the holiday season’s joy with children in need and this year with our frontliners. The latest Bears of Joy designs are patterned after the uniforms of our modern day heroes: nurses, doctors, police and soldiers.

Included in the list of recipients are frontliners from the Quezon City General Hospital, Villamor Air Base Hospital, V. Luna Medical Center, Lung Center of the Philippines and Tondo Foreshore Super Health Center, among others.