No classes in public schools on May 2-13 in line with elections 


STUDENTS in public elementary and secondary schools will have no classes on May 2 to 13 in line with the May 9 elections, the Department of Education (DepEd) announced Monday.   

The break is included in the 2021-2022 school year calendar released by the department in August prior to opening in September.   

“This is in line with DepEd Order No. 29, s. 2021 that allocated the specified days for the National election-related Activities of teachers and DepEd personnel,” the department said its statement on Monday.   

Teachers are required to report to their respective schools on days within that two-week period even if there are no election-related duties, it said.   

Philippine public schools are used as polling sites while teachers serve in teams as board of election inspectors. DepEd officials stand as supervisors of the boards. — MSJ