Private firms called for alleged IP violations


BAGUIO CITY: Newly installed National Commission on Indigenous Peoples–Cordillera Administrative Region (NCIP–CAR) Regional Director Marlon Bosantog issued six show-cause orders to different companies in Benguet because of nonpayment of royalties to their host Indigenous-People (IP) communities.

These companies include mining sector’s Benguet Corp., Lepanto Consolidated Mining Corp. and Itogon Suyoc Resources Inc., a subsidiary of the Davao-based Apex Mining Co. Inc., and renewable energy industries, particularly San Roque Power Corp. for San Roque Dam, Aboitiz Power Corp. for Ambuklao Dam and Binga Dam, and Hedcor for its existing run-of-river hydroelectric power projects.

NCIP–CAR got wind of claims that companies within the different ancestral domains of Benguet were not paying the obligations to host IP communities.

The claims reported that companies situated inside ancestral domains of Benguet had been continuously operating and reaping the benefits for decades without payment of due royalties to the host IP communities.

The show-cause orders reminded the six companies of the provisions of Republic Act 8371 or the “Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) of 1997,” underscoring that the law recognizes, protects and promotes, among others, the rights of IPs to benefit and share the profits from the allocation and utilization of natural resources found in their ancestral domains and to receive just and fair compensation for any damages as a result of the operation of a certain project within the area.

The show-cause orders gave the companies 15 days from the receipt of the letter to respond as to why the corporations should not be held liable for violating the IPRA.

Issued by Bonsatog on December 22, the show-cause orders could be seen as the first step in addressing concerns of host IP communities.