Senator bats for increased production, use of organic fertilizers


SENATOR Cynthia A. Villar is pushing for increased production and use of organic fertilizers amid global supply problems on chemical fertilizers and to ensure healthier soil in farm areas.   

In a video message during the 71st anniversary of the Bureau of Soils and Waste Management last week, she said there are enough agricultural residues that could be used for making organic fertilizer.  

“We only need to collect and convert them into organic fertilizers or compost which can be used by our farmers,” said Ms. Villar, who chairs the Senate Agriculture, Food and Agrarian Reform Committee.  

“Most especially now that fertilizers are very expensive, and sometimes, they are not available for our farmers.”  

She added that compost materials could also be collected from residential areas.  

“It is important that we give Composting Facilities for Biodegradable Waste to our farmers and local governments in the whole country,” the senator said. 

Replacing inorganic fertilizers would also help address the 38% soil degradation in the country, she said.

“It is really important that we take care of our soil to have productive harvest and lower hunger, food insecurity in our country.” — Alyssa Nicole O. Tan